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  • Applications are open for the First-Ever Decentraland Community Summit!

Applications are open for the First-Ever Decentraland Community Summit!

Apply for the Decentraland Community Summit, taking place in Argentina May 22-24, 2024, before spots run out!

Make new friends, explore diverse events, and spark your creativity in Decentraland, a virtual social world built and owned by its community.

Decentraland’s First-Ever IRL Community Summit

On May 22-24, 2024, the DCL community will take a momentous leap from online interaction to in-person connection when they meet for the Decentraland Community Summit in Argentina, the birthplace of Decentraland!

An invite-only event, attendance depends on your application. Attendees will be selected by a committee made up of Decentraland Foundation leadership and community members Gino Cingolani & Pablo Lewin.

Community members that actively contribute to the Decentraland ecosystem (through creative work or by building relationships & hosting events) as well as technical builders and partners that are interested in being a part of Decentraland’s future are warmly welcomed to apply.

Selected applicants just need to get themselves to Argentina and all of the lodging, dining, and social activities will be covered! If you think you’ll need financial assistance to purchase flight tickets, see more about the Summit Scholarship below.

Applications to attend the Decentraland Community Summit are open from now until December 8, 2023, but the earlier you apply, the better!

What’s the benefit of an IRL Community Summit?

  • Enhancing Human Connection: While online platforms are great for connecting people across the globe, face-to-face interactions have their unique charm. They allow for a different level of bonding, understanding, and communication. By meeting in person, the community can foster deeper relationships, promoting collaboration and bridging any emotional or contextual gaps that might exist in purely online interactions.

  • Celebrating Community Achievements: Hosting an in-person event is a tangible way to celebrate and recognize the Decentraland community’s significant contributions and achievements, providing an opportunity to show appreciation for everyone’s commitment to the Decentraland project.

  • Gathering Feedback and Insight: Being present with the community will present the opportunity to collect direct feedback, insight, and opinions which might not always come forth in an online setting. Such interactions can be invaluable for the growth and improvement of Decentraland, a platform owned and created by its community. By doing this in person, the community will have more time to discuss compared to an online back and forth.

  • Looking Towards the Future: While Decentraland as a platform has seen a lot of positive changes in 2023, even more significant changes will be coming in 2024 to improve the Decentraland experience. This Summit will give the community the opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at these changes, hear directly from Yemel Jardi, the Foundation’s Executive Director, share their thoughts, and build & celebrate together.

What will the Decentraland Community Summit Look Like?

The Summit will consist of a variety of planned social activities, workshops, discussions, and presentations from community members, partners, and the Foundation, and of course a celebratory party—wouldn’t be a Decentraland event without one. We want to see if your dance moves are as good as your avatar’s Emotes 👯! 

This event will be all about bringing the community together and celebrating their work over the years since the launch of Decentraland, so we want you to be able to just focus on building connections and celebrating. Just get yourself to Argentina, and leave the rest to us.

The following costs will be covered for attendees:

  • Transportation to and from the Argentinian airport to the Summit location

  • Hotel accommodations (double occupancy)

  • Food and beverages during the Summit

  • Planned social activities

What if I can’t cover flights to Argentina?

Thanks to a DAO grant, a few travel scholarships will be available to community members in need to ensure that the community is broadly represented at the event. Scholarship recipients will be chosen from an open application by the same committee overseeing Summit attendance. The deadline to apply for the scholarship is December 8, 2023.

Will I be able to remain anonymous at the Summit?

Yes! While attendees’ legal names will need to be shared with the Foundation for accommodation arrangements, the Foundation will take measures to protect attendees’ identities, including not sharing their legal names during the Summit (you can remain anonymous/use your DCL identity), and making the best possible effort to ensure that no footage of the Summit is made public without the consent of those appearing in any videos or photos.

Still have questions? Read the official Decentraland Community Summit Announcement to learn all the details. Hope to see you in Argentina next May!

Decentraland is home to a constant stream of community-organized events and new developments are frequent. In addition to staying up to date with this newsletter, you can also browse through the Decentraland Event Page and check in with the Blog to find out what's going on right now and in the future.