Weekly Newsletter - August 1

Get early access to the new client, catch Yemel's EthCC presentation, and find out what's happening in DCL this week!

Make new friends, explore diverse events, and spark your creativity in Decentraland, a virtual social world built and owned by its community.


New Desktop Client Alpha Testing—Coming Soon!

After several months of focus and hard work, the gates to Decentraland’s new Client will soon be opened to the community in a private alpha! Fill out the form to get exclusive early access—only available to those wallets on the allow list. Be sure to sign up now, you won’t want to miss this! Want to learn more about what’s to come? Check out Decentraland’s Q2 Recap.

DCL Executive Director, Yemel Jardi, Presents at EthCC: Catch the Recording

Didn’t make it to EthCC this year? Don’t worry, the recordings are all online! This year, Yemel Jardi, Decentraland Foundation Executive Director, had the opportunity to take the stage. Discussing the future of virtual worlds, he explored their role in shaping user’s digital autonomy. Catch the presentation to learn about new advancements that enhance user governance and interactivity across digital landscapes. And yes, he shared some alpha sneak peeks from the new Client too! 👀


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Decentraland is home to a constant stream of community-organized events and new developments are frequent. In addition to staying up to date with this newsletter, you can also browse through the Decentraland Event Page and check in with the Blog to find out what's going on right now and in the future.

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