Weekly Newsletter - February 15

From artist debuts, anniversary celebrations, music festivals, and more, discover what's happening in Decentraland this week!

Make new friends, explore diverse events, and spark your creativity in Decentraland, a virtual social world built and owned by its community.


Decentraland’s Yemel Jardi interviews with BeinCrypto.com

Why the Metaverse Is About to Make a Comeback

Decentraland Foundation Executive Director, Yemel Jardi recently discussed Decentraland’s 2024 plans with BeinCrypto.com.

Decentraland’s long-term vision for its role in the metaverse is to establish itself as the largest decentralized and open-source virtual world owned entirely by our users. It aims to provide a platform where users have complete control over their digital assets and experiences. It must be a space where creativity knows no bounds, where users can build, explore, and socialize in a decentralized and borderless virtual environment,”

Start building with SDK 7 using templates

Did you know that you can get building in SDK 7 without starting from scratch? Almost 100 different SDK 7 scene templates are available for you to customize and add on to, so what are you waiting for? Get building!

Share your thoughts through Canny

Have you visited the Decentraland Foundation's Canny account before? The plaform serves as a place for users to submit feedback, ideas, and feature requests to the Foundation’s development team. While the Foundation’s current objective is the development of a new, powerful Desktop Client, they are still keeping an eye on Canny to plan out future projects. Explore current requests and contribute your own insights, doing your part in shaping the future of Decentraland.


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Decentraland is home to a constant stream of community-organized events and new developments are frequent. In addition to staying up to date with this newsletter, you can also browse through the Decentraland Event Page and check in with the Blog to find out what's going on right now and in the future.

Got Questions?

Read the FAQs to learn more about the basics of Decentraland and what you can do on the platform or join the official Discord and get help from the support team or Decentraland’s community.